Minamisoma, Fukushima Pref., Dec. 22 (Jiji Press)--In Minamisoma, a city in Fukushima Prefecture that was hit hard by tsunami ...
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--A panel of Japan's ruling bloc decided Friday to postpone a decision on the detailed route of the planned section of the Hokuriku Shinkansen bullet train line that ...
Narita, Chiba Pref., Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--International passengers using Narita International Airport between Dec. 27 and Jan. 5 next year are projected to number 897,000, up 14.7 pct from a year ...
2025年大阪・関西万博で大阪府、大阪市が出展する「大阪ヘルスケアパビリオン」の展示内容に関する発表 ...
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--The total number of teachers and other school staff punished or reprimanded for sexual crimes and violence in Japan hit a record high of 320 in fiscal 2023, an ...
自民、公明両党は20日、2025年度の与党税制改正大綱を決定した。所得税が生じる「年収103万円の壁 ...
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--A Japanese government survey showed Friday that 78.2 pct of respondents feel anxious or worried, the highest level since the government began asking about such ...
北九州市小倉南区の中学3年男女殺傷事件で、男子生徒(15)に対する殺人未遂の疑いで逮捕された平原政徳 ...
Tokyo, Dec. 20 (Jiji Press)--Japan's ruling camp on Friday adopted its fiscal 2025 tax system reform package featuring a plan to raise the minimum taxable income from the current 1.03 million yen ...
セ、パ両リーグは20日、来年のオープン戦の日程を発表した。2月22日に沖縄、宮崎両県で行われる5試合 ...
日本中央競馬会(JRA)は20日、G1.5勝のドウデュース(5歳牡馬、友道康夫厩舎)が右前肢跛行のた ...
20日の東京株式市場の日経平均株価(225種)は続落した。半導体関連などの大型株が売られ、相場を押し ...