Berlin, the capital city of Germany, is a vibrant metropolis that has witnessed a tumultuous history filled with significant events that have shaped not only the city but also the world. From its ...
When David Bowie’s Glass Spider Tour arrived in West Berlin on June 6, 1987, the city was the world’s de facto capital of ...
Businesses in Dorchester have spoken about declining footfall to lower South Street following a devastating fire last month ...
Located in the center of Berlin, the Berlin Wall Memorial stretches for a little less than a mile along what was once the border that divided the city in two. Upon arriving at the memorial ...
Jenny Erpenbeck discusses winning the 2024 International Booker Prize, her love for music, and the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The error of their mythology about 1989 matters because we face another such moment of historical rupture today.
The highlight of our 1989 trip was a special side trip to Berlin to participate in the historical tearing down of the wall at Checkpoint Charlie and other places. While there, we celebrated New ...
Volkswagen's CEO has spoken to the carmaker's Chinese joint venture partners about their interest in investing in Europe but ...
The late rock star had an enduring love affair with the city that helped save him. Though most don’t know of his role in ...
East Germany’s economy, on the other hand, was relatively weak throughout the Cold War. Perhaps the most visible symbol of Germany’s division was the Berlin Wall, a 96-mile partition that cut through ...
While Pink Floyd didn't have to have warm feelings of Roger Waters after splitting, David Gilmour was less than impressed seeing his old bandmate solo.