Rednote TikTok Refugees, also known as #TikTokRefugee, refers to a trend and hashtag on American social media and the Chinese social networking app Rednote or Xiaohongshu in January 2025. Several ...
The best tablets are used for a variety of reasons, but they're especially perfect for note taking. These devices are a digital alternative to pen and paper, making it easier than ever for ...
Zanesenjak Zack Nelson s psevdonimom »JerryRigEverything« redno preizkuša tako vzdržljivost kot popravljivost najnovejših pametnih mobilnih telefonov. V teku lanskega leta jih je zanesenjak preizkusil ...
Pokojninsko reformo naj bi pogajalska skupina pri Ekonomsko-socialnem svetu uskladila do pomladi. Hkrati pa so pomembne tudi nekatere druge informacije. Tako se denimo rok za oddajo zahteve za ...
Xiaomi just confirmed the global launch date for its Redmi Note 14 series. The brand will hold its launch event on Friday, January 10 – exactly on week from today. We’re pretty well versed on ...
“Philippine shares started on a positive note, showing noticeable gains as the market gears up for a full year ahead,” Luis Limlingan of Regina Capital said. Net value turnover ...
She grabs a napkin and scrawls the perfect note to leave on the windshield of the spot-stealing couple’s car: “He’s cheating. He always does.” But this clever revenge prank quickly turns ...
Onyx Boox unveiled the Note Max device over a month ago but was unavailable for purchase. That is, until now, when it has been put on sale via the official company website and Amazon. The 13.3 ...
Med potapljači, ki se redno udeležujejo dogodka, so denimo pripadniki Podvodne reševalne službe Slovenije, ki so pripravljeni in usposobljeni tudi za posredovanje v ekstremnih razmerah v primeru ...
As you probably expected, there are a lot of note-taking apps on the market, but not all of them are worth your time. I've narrowed down my list of the best desktop note-taking apps to five ...
Od leta 1971 dalje je Muti denimo vsako leto dirigiral na salzburškem festivalu. V Dunajski državni operi je redno nastopal od leta 1973, ko je v njej debitiral z Verdijevo Aido. Muti je napovedal, da ...