Miha Hrobat, alpski smučar V obeh hitrih preizkušnjah se je v soboto in nedeljo izkazal Miha Hrobat, ki je dokazal, da je imel na svetovnem prvenstvu v Saalbach-Hinterglemmu le slaba tekmovalna dneva.
Miha Pezelj is the Team Leader for Socio-Economic Development at the EU Delegation to Albania, overseeing key initiatives that support economic growth, social inclusion, and sustainable development.
V kvalifikacijah je bila najboljša Svahn, slovenska tekačica Eva Urevc je končala na 51. mestu med 55 uvrščenimi s 25,65 sekunde zaostanka. V kvalifikacijah je obstal tudi Vili Črv, ki je bil 58. med ...
The bill’s prime sponsor, Wolfeboro Republican Rep. Katy Peternel, filed a motion to withdraw it in late January, saying “there is a flaw in the bill that prevents us from moving forward in a ...
I’m a young LGBTQ woman, a student at UNH now, to whom this community has given much support over the years.