Russian media outlets, Telegram channels, and bots on X are spreading a photo that allegedly was taken in a city in the U.S.
Richard Anderson said politicians exacerbated the flying challenges at Reagan by adding flights to their home states.
Criminal gangs take orders for specific models, use teenagers to grab them and quickly export them through ports up and down ...
In the wake of the recent weekend storm that saw as much as 8.5 inches of snow in parts of Massachusetts, three more storms are on track to douse the state in snow and even rain between Tuesday and ...
Just weeks after the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Morocco finalised a major arms deal—not with its traditional ...
Trying to pick a Mount Rushmore of Quad-Cities professional athletes isn't an easy task. Sport writer Tom Johnston gave it a ...
The transitional process will be fraught with challenges, but the Syrian people deserve a peaceful, stable and prosperous ...
Severe rain has saturated the Southern region, stretching from east Texas to southern Kentucky in the morning and later extending to the Tennessee Valley and Southeast by afternoon. Flood watches are ...
Nick Wright unveils a special edition of Mahomes Mountain with his "Best of the 21st century" QB Tiers. Watch as he shares ...
Even with last week’s snow flurries, there’s no denying this winter has been unusually sunny. The lack of lowland rain has also translated into abysmal snowpack levels in the Olympic Mountains and ...
During the event, record-breaking low temperatures are possible, according to the KING 5 Weather Team. The record low ...
Cold weather shelters are extending their hours across western Washington as we continue to see frigid temperatures.