Channel 13 heard from viewers upset about ash tree removals on medians at Bonanza Road between Valley View and Twin Lakes. The City of Las Vegas says the area is getting a landscaping makeover.
The Southern Nevada Health District has a new leader, Dr. Cassius Lockett. He has a long history in public health, having ...
Stewart Avenue has sidewalks that end in the bushes, intersection crossings without buttons, and bus stops with no shade—it’s a story the City of Las Vegas is looking to curb.
The Stewart Avenue Complete Streets Project, a project aimed at tackling speeding drivers and improving safety along a portion of Stewart avenue in the east Las ...
U.S. lawmakers from Nevada say they are reintroducing legislation to expand the amount of public land that can be developed ...
Duncan and Edwards and 28th and Sunrise—will provide more than 200 new apartments for low- to moderate-income families.