For complete conservation passport license info go here. Ellis County WMA covers 4,800 acres and is located in Ellis County, 8 miles west and 3.5 miles south of Arnett. Located in the mixed grass ...
The Contra Costa County city with the most acreage in the “very high” category of severe fire danger is Orinda, with 5,241 acres, not including nearby unincorporated areas. That’s more than ...
Going For Gold presenter Henry Kelly has died aged 78, his family has said. The Dublin-born writer and broadcaster died "peacefully" on Tuesday "after a period of ill health". "Henry will be ...
Ireland’s premier has praised Henry Kelly for making a “huge contribution to journalism and broadcasting” within Ireland and the UK following his death. The former Going For Gold and Game For A Laugh ...
Retamosa has been working for 20 years at the National University of Costa Rica, at the International Institute for Conservation and Wildlife Management. She uses bioacoustics and ecoacoustics to ...
While we are sure that the Centre County Conservation District will do admirably in their management of the area, we raise these concerns not on their behalf, but because while we may all like the ...
Los Angeles County has made a historic investment in expanding parkland ... with projects ranging from small urban parks to large-scale conservation efforts. To further advance these goals, the RPOSD ...
A Texas fugitive wanted for murder was arrested in Collier County. Angel Kelly Alejandro, 27, was walking along Alligator Alley on Thursday when encountered by Florida Highway Patrol. After ...
The Niagara County Federation of Conservation Clubs is looking for a few good men, women and young people who have been making an impact on the wise use of the area’s natural resources. The ...
TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly and the Kansas Water Office announced Thursday the award winners for the second round of the Senate Substitute for House Bill 2302 Grant Programs, which provide over $26 ...
For local information on monarch conservation and to buy seed and/or transplants contact the Nevada Monarch Society at or email them at [email protected]. Their plants are ...
SPIRIT LAKE, Iowa (KUOO) - One supervisor in Dickinson County is raising the alarm over the amount of land that is being used for conservation. According to KUOO Radio, Steve Clark told his ...