A Rock Island County case on pre-trial release was heard by the Illinois Supreme Court Tuesday. Tyrell Cooper was charged ...
On March 18, Oak Harbor resident Michael D. Nelson, 44, is scheduled to be on trial on charges of residential burglary, assault in the fourth degree and malicious mischief in the third degree. The ...
South Whidbey resident Eric Hood filed a Public Records Act lawsuit against the city of Langley in 2016. It was one of five that Hood filed against the city over the years; he has also filed dozens ...
Tim Hazelo sat at the defendant’s table alone while his attorney, Austin Hatcher, appeared over video for the arraignment ...
A 45-year-old Port Orchard man was in Kitsap County Superior Court March 3 after stealing a tractor. Bail was $50,000. He faces charges of trafficking in stolen property and possession of a stolen ...
A judge has found the Mead School District in Eastern Washington in contempt of court for failing to properly release ...
Troopers arrested Jessica A. Rogowski, 30, of West Warwick, on Friday, Feb. 28 at 1:42 p.m. following a motor vehicle stop on Route 2. Rogowski was wanted on several bench warrants. The Kent County Su ...
Island County Prosecutor Greg Banks charged 61-year-old Tracy Abuhl, a Camano Island resident, in Island County Superior Court Feb. 25 with unauthorized access to a voting center, disorderly conduct ...
Guns x2: Week after week, the court has relisted two potentially major Second Amendment cases. The first challenges Rhode Island’s ban on high-capacity magazines, while the second contests ...
“Once the case is assigned a Superior Court number and docketed, we will take over the prosecution of that matter before the Providence County Superior ... before the Rhode Island Traffic ...