Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley praised the support from the governor, though the total project cost could come to ...
Nichols shot and killed Superior Court Judge Rowland Barnes, court reporter Julie Ann Brandau, Fulton County Deputy Hoyt ...
A 95-year-old Milford Township woman who ran over a driver after a traffic crash in 2024 has pleaded no contest to a ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - A restaurant owner accused of using Covid relief funds for his own personal expenses, is scheduled to be arraigned in Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Court Thursday.
Many Porter County residents drive past the courthouse multiple times a day but may not realize the rich history that sits on ...
County officials are using approximately $28 million in federal funding to improve the courthouse's HVAC, sprinkler and plumbing systems as well as other life-safety infrastructure.