Nessner said that soon after he volunteered to be foreman, an informal straw poll was taken that showed the panel of eight women and four men was all over the map ... in Chicago’s 19th Ward ...
Supporters of the ban said it would strike a necessary blow against animal cruelty, while opponents said it would harm ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- Mayor Brandon Johnson is launching an effort to find a new alderperson for the 35th Ward. The mayor recently appointed Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa to a new role, leading the Chicago ...
Alderpeople rejected Ald. Ray Lopez's proposal to ban the sale of new fur products by a 19-26 vote. Local fur shop owners ...
Rochester has more than 40 active neighborhood associations. The 19th Ward Community Association (19WCA) is Rochester's oldest and largest operating neighborhood association. Its mission is “to ...
Several Black aldermen and clergy members rallied ahead of the meeting to urge the council to vote down a proposal from Ald.
Matt O’Shea walked into his 19th Ward office Wednesday morning ... Trump’s administration appeared to come home to ward offices across Chicago, as O’Shea and several other members of ...
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A woman is hospitalized after being cut multiple times across her body inside a home in the 19th Ward, during what police are calling a “domestic incident”. It happened at ...
On Feb. 8, homes across Rochester's 19th Ward were filled with laughter, conversation, and good food. The neighborhood's annual candlelight dinners returned — a potluck that brings friends and ...
Island Furs is at risk because of a potential fur ban that the Chicago City Council ... Matt O’Shea, 19th, and two furriers in his Southwest Side ward warned the ban would be the end of their ...
Heeding opposition from Black clergy and the Black Caucus, the City Council voted 26 to 19 not to impose a ban on the sale of ...
Matt O’Shea (19th Ward). All the money raised goes to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation’s Get Behind the Vest initiative that buys new bulletproof vests for Chicago police officers.