Three teenagers, Christopher Granados, Justin Cruz, and Alexander Romero, lost their lives in a high-speed police chase and crash in northwest Harris County on January 2.
Cotton Bowl on Friday. So what does this mean if you’re one of those people? And what about the dangerous driving conditions?
Easton Bounds was always smiling. Always laughing. Always lifting others up. Now, he's gone, and his family is left seeking ...
Former Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond announced he and his wife Mindy would be splitting after 28 years of marriage earlier this week after spending Christmas together ...
Humza Bhatti, known by loved ones as Neeko, died after the green Lamborghini Urus he was driving was involved in a collision ...
Noah Galle reached a plea deal with prosecutors in which he was sentenced to 12 and a half years in prison after he pleaded guilty to six counts of vehicular homicide for a car crash that left six ...
Jaguar boss Rawdon Glover (right) has said the car company will cut its current network ... EXCLUSIVEThe cars that are TOO BIG to for your garage: Almost 40% of owners never use them to store ...