French Prime Minister François Bayrou, interviewed on Sunday by radio station France Inter, has ruled out a return to the ...
While mention of the word torture was banned from official language at the time, the French military in Algeria encouraged ...
The US president's threat to impose a 200% tariff on European wines and spirits has shaken France's producers of Champagne ...
In a landmark case, the Paris administrative court of appeal this week ruled that the French state must pay damages to ...
Several 17th-century works by Rococo-period French artist Antoine Watteau have joined an exhibition of his works in the ...
Four years after submitting a major report for the French government on colonialism and the Algerian War, the leading French ...
In a landmark ruling, the Paris administrative court of appeal this week found that the French state must pay damages to victims of the carcinogenic insecticide chlordecone, which it allowed to be ...
French tycoon Vincent Bolloré's media empire, which includes TV and radio stations, newspapers and publishing houses, has adopted an agressive pro-Kremlin stance, attacking President Emmanuel ...
Le ministre britannique de l’Energie a rencontré lundi de hauts responsables politiques chinois à Pékin, pour encourager la ...
Au moins 40 personnes ont été tuées et des dizaines d’autres blessées lors du passage ce week-end de violentes tempêtes et ...
Un tribunal géorgien a condamné lundi à quatre ans et demi de prison l’opposant et ex-président géorgien Mikheïl Saakachvili, ...
Le vice-ministre iranien des Affaires étrangères, Kazem Gharibabadi, se rendra lundi à Vienne pour des discussions autour du ...