Financial markets expect the Federal Reserve to resume cutting rates in June because of the deteriorating economic outlook, ...
The Umno president says the investment, trade and industry minister met him last week and remains a party member for now.
Economists expect the consumer price index report to indicate cooling inflation compared to the previous month.
KUALA LUMPUR : Presiden Umno, Zahid Hamidi menepis kebimbangan berhubung siasatan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia ...
Bekas presiden Filipina, Rodrigo Duterte berdepan tuduhan jenayah terhadap kemanusiaan berhubung perang dadah kontroversinya.
Journalist Bradley Hope says different bounty amounts of the $JHOLOW meme coin will be given depending on the value of ...
Seorang wanita dihadapkan ke Mahkamah Majistret Kuantan hari ini atas pertuduhan membunuh dengan menyebabkan kematian kanak-kanak perempuan berusia tiga tahun pada 17 Feb lalu. Tertuduh, Nur Nabilah ...
Kementerian Perpaduan Negara berkata negara bangsa bukannya menafikan kepelbagaian budaya, agama atau adat resam.
Wisma Putra berkata semua mangsa sindiket penipuan itu diserahkan kepada polis untuk membantu siasatan lanjut.
The government spokesman slams those twisting the facts and claiming the compound imposed on Maestra Broadcast Sdn Bhd is tantamount to oppressing Islam.
PETALING JAYA : Seramai 12 individu direman kerana disyaki terlibat rasuah pendaftaran lewat kelahiran bertaraf bukan ...
Qualified companies have until April 7 to submit proposals for the demand-responsive transit project in the state.