La gestión de las plantillas es un aspecto muy difícil dentro de un equipo de béisbol. Cada club tiene una lista de 40 ...
De una forma u otra, esta será una temporada reveladora para el prospecto de los Cubs, Kevin Alcántara. Y para el prospecto ...
At last, we have gone through our positional reviews for 2024 (yeah, we skipped relievers, sorry), finishing up with starting pitchers. If aces didn’t always ace, they at least held serve (Spencer ...
(Me pongo nostálgico por los días en que eso era todo lo que teníamos que incluir. Bueno, venga: Burnes recibe un bono por firmar de $10 millones, $30 millones y una cláusula de no traspaso para cada ...
The more they stay the same.
Hemos tenido juegos interliga desde 1997. Es una iniciativa que le debemos a Bud Selig. Al principio se determinaron los ...
One of the most harmful inventions in the history of humankind—alongside the machine gun, Agent Orange, and the coffee pod—is the timepiece. Having to know the time is a form of enslavement; without ...
The 2023 season was abysmal for the Chicago White Sox. It blew up on them so completely and so violently that even Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams, safely ensconced with the team for over two decades, ...
Billy showed up on the first day and the kids all knew his name. While they hopped and darted around him, he began to feel at home. But it wasn’t long before their parents’ eyes narrowed with disgust.