The UW-Oshkosh administration announced its decision last summer to close the campus soon due to financial challenges and declining enrollment.
Governor Tony Evers visited UW-Green Bay on Tuesday. The governor visited multiple buildings to highlight campus projects including renovations and updates to the cress events center, and the ...
June 15: UW-Green Bay says its four campuses will reopen to staff July 1 and to students in the fall semester. Entry and exit points on campus will be limited and people will follow check-in ...
Say hello to your favorites from Sesame Street when they come to The Weidner on the UW-Green Bay campus. Since and dance with Elmo, Abby, Cookie Monster and others and play hide and seek.
GREEN BAY (WLUK) -- It's a look back in time using cutting-edge technology. A virtual reality tour of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam had a special showing at UW-Green Bay. It's about 4,000 ...
Wisconsin's Department of Administration, under which annexations are reviewed, wrote in a Feb. 18, 2002, letter that, ...
Wisconsin's second-oldest ... The Lincoln Hills campus would then be converted into a medium security adult prison. The prison in Green Bay, built in 1898, would be closed. The plan also proposes ...
Wisconsin's second-oldest ... The Lincoln Hills campus would then be converted into a medium security adult prison. The prison in Green Bay, built in 1898, would be closed. The plan also proposes ...
Thanks to a charitable donation from an alumnus, there is a new place to charge electric vehicles as two ChargePoint stations will be installed on the University of Wisconsin Green Bay campus.