Red Pitaya, which does software-defined instrumentation, unveiled next-generation hardware akin to the "Raspberry Pi of measurement" gear.
Check out our daily report on the latest discoveries and trends from embedded world 2025 in Nuremberg, where our team is ...
Raspberry Pi Pico microcontrollers come with a variety of different features for a few bucks, and a few interesting ...
The world of augmented reality (AR) is rapidly evolving, with headsets like the Apple Vision Pro making headlines for their ...
Thanks to Botstop's new tool, you can run Windows 11 pretty fast and easy on Raspbery Pi 4 or 5 with low requirements.
NextPCB has started offering free PCBA prototypes for PCB designs based on the ESP32-S3 wireless microcontroller following a ...
T he cool thing about keeping tabs on the Raspberry Pi community is the pure range of projects you get to see. Some of them ...
Employ a Raspberry Pi as a DNS server to block ads on all devices connected to your home network.
Arnov Sharma built a Raspberry Pi Pico studio light from scratch that can be controlled using push buttons to adjust the LEDs ...
Instacart examines deep cuts of its data to determine which pies win Americans' hearts and stomachs, uncovering surprising ...
T he Raspberry Pi offers many possibilities, but looking at the more popular projects might have you wondering what you can ...