Galamsey, or illegal, small-scale gold mining, can prove attractive for farmers getting poor returns from cocoa despite posing significant dangers to workers themselves. Chemicals such as mercury and ...
wide craters, triggering mass extinctions and altering life on Earth. One asteroid in particular—2024 YR4—made headlines recently when it was estimated to have a small chance of hitting Earth ...
“At first, I thought it was just a pimple, but by the end of the day, it had grown and formed a crater,” Tom said. The next morning, that same small pimple had developed into a large scab and ...
A total eclipse of the Moon is the highlight of this month, visible across North and South America. Venus remains very bright ...
And in addition to those 18, the planets can appear in six more: Canis Minor, Crater, Hydra ... lies 90 percent farther from the Sun than Mercury, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.
Mercury, on the right, is the brighter planet, shining at magnitude –1.3, while Saturn is magnitude 1.1. Binoculars or a small telescope ... Under the low Sun angle, craters along the ...
And if your little ones are looking to get in on the fun, then we have a guide to the best binoculars for kids that are suitable for small hands ... planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter ...
The moon is larger than the planet Mercury but has less-dense rock and ... equipment can operate under Titan’s conditions is no small undertaking. The moon’s low gravity is impossible to ...
The capital of Stone Town was founded by Arab traders in the IX century - here the streets chaotically wind among colourful Arab bazaars, small spice shops, mosques, courtyards and ancient fortresses.
Astronomers have identified a quartet of small rocky planets orbiting Barnard's star - one of our closest stellar neighbors - ...
The impact crater could be linked to the origins of life on Earth. The discovery of a massive crater formed by the impact of a meteorite more than three billion years ago is changing the way ...