The incentive allows high school students to receive a $200 gift card for each two-week period in which they have perfect ...
The Detroit Public Schools Community District launched a new attendance incentive program that pays students for perfect ...
Low-income, students of color in Michigan face the highest rates of having teachers who are inexperienced, have temporary credentials and are teaching classes not in their field of ...
Michigan ranks near the bottom in a recent study measuring racial integration and progress across the U.S., highlighting ...
Black children and students attending schools in Michigan’s poorest communities are more likely to be taught by less ...
In order to serve about 1,100 families who live near the poverty line in the Glenview, Northfield and Northbrook area, ...
But Detroit has engineered so many successful efforts, from fixing its streetlights to the city’s bankruptcy to a more ...
In April 2022, NBC reported that Boccafe pledged to sell Walker the house for $45,000 and a Texas entrepreneur, who grew up ...
Several cities in the Michigan-Ohio-Indiana region ranked on the lower end of the scale. The western Michigan metro area of ...
Childhood poverty rates grew faster last year in four Lehigh Valley school districts than any other of the 499 districts in the state, according to new census data. Three of the four districts ...
Lucky for Brock, 4820Live, a community violence intervention group serving Detroit’s historically ... ways one gets entangled in violence — “poverty often drives violence,” she said.
In eight states, including Washington, DC, that have eliminated the tipped minimum wage, the poverty rate among tipped restaurant workers is nearly a third lower, 13.5% compared to 19%.