The recent discovery of a stupendously powerful neutrino has left scientists scratching their heads. New research suggests it ...
Rotating black holes are the most powerful phenomenon in the known universe. Their powerful gravity radically alters the ...
Our understanding of black holes, time and the mysterious dark energy that dominates the universe could be revolutionised, as ...
"Black holes are so stealthy that this one has been practically under our noses this whole time." ...
Astronomers have uncovered a baffling cosmic anomaly — a supermassive black hole in galaxy NGC 5084 that appears to be ...
The Large Magellanic Cloud is a dwarf galaxy residing near our Milky Way, visible to the naked eye as a luminous patch of ...
A supermassive black hole that doesn't appear to be where we would expect seems to be travelling at more than a thousand ...
Scientists are working to identify an oddly pulsating, supermassive black hole ( SMBH) that pulled a really weird stunt. More ...
This week, based on a genetic study, researchers issued a recommendation that bison in Yellowstone National Park should be ...
Chancellor accused of ‘addiction to high levies’ as people turn to illegal imports to avoid cigarette duty ...
Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
The researchers propose that this ejection resulted from the collision of two galaxies, causing their central black holes to ...