Come see the inside of the Space Needle in Seattle Washington! 📼Video Summary: The Space Needle is located in Seattle Washington. It was built in 1962 just in time for the World's Fair. The top looks ...
Thanks to the reader who provided heads-up on this - a laser light show from the Space Needle on Friday night, likely visible here across the bay. Here's the alert sent by Needle management: On Friday ...
The Space Needle is a 605-foot observation tower that defines the skyline of Seattle and serves as a symbol of the city. “It’s really an icon,” says Rick Chesmore, a cofounder of Chesmore ...
If there's one thing Seattle is known for (aside from coffee), it's the 605-foot-tall Space Needle. Built for the 1962 World's Fair, the Space Needle has dominated Seattle's skyline ever since ...
Steve Salemi characterizes Cerrillos, a town known for its mining and railroad past, as fashionably “low tech.” He wants it to stay that way. Charles Simoni Sr., on the other hand, would like ...
Head to the Space Needle to really see Seattle. Built for the 1962 World's Fair, this 605-foot-tall futuristic landmark offers stunning panoramic views of the city, Puget Sound, Mount Rainier ...
“You’re going to have a thing that looks like the Seattle Space Needle in Cerrillos? It’s like, ‘No’ you don’t need it,” Salemi said. But for Simoni Sr., whose family has deep ties ...