In the midst of the rekindled rivalry between Texas A&M and Texas, an unexpected spectacle unfolded outside Kyle Field. A man riding a longhorn steer, with his dog in tow, became the talk of the day, ...
UT athletes were already known as Longhorns when, in 1916, a maverick longhorn steer was brought to campus on a train from South Texas and introduced at halftime to a cheering football fans. The ...
Let’s dive in. The University of Texas' mascot, Bevo, is an iconic longhorn steer. The name "Bevo" has a unique origin dating back to 1916 during a football game against Texas A&M. Princess ...
Bevo XV made his debut in 2016, following the death of Bevo XIV, who served as the Longhorns' mascot from 2004 to 2015.
Please consider the fear and stress Bevo will no doubt experience on Friday and the danger you put all players, staff, cheerleaders, media, and fans in by allowing a 1,700-pound longhorn steer on ...