The developers of Grange, Open Road Renewables, says it would have created over 1,000 jobs and $100 million of investment. But that didn't stop local residents and officials from opposing the project.
Solar developers dropped their request to build a $500 million solar farm in Logan County amid GOP political pressure.
Here, an opposition group spoke loudly about their fears of solar projects and convinced local public officials to share ...
After contacting Immigration and Customs Enforcement, police learned that both men were subject to immediate removal.
The Ohio Power Siting Board’s staff report acknowledges that Grange Solar is exempt from terms in a 2021 law, Senate Bill 52, which let counties block most large new solar projects. Two ...
INDIAN LAKE, Ohio (WDTN) — A solar power project in Logan County, which received considerable backlash from the community, has been canceled. On Friday, the Grange Solar Project pulled its ...
LOGAN COUNTY — A proposed solar energy project in Logan County will not come to fruition.