Intel said the new laptops with Intel discrete GPUs will take advantage of both the Iris Xe integrated graphics in its 11th-generation Core processors, also known as Tiger Lake, and Iris Xe Max ...
Intel released the DCH graphics driver today, and it comes with a developer highlight with support for the New Level Zero loader layer tracing API. Here is the full list of fixes ...
Xiaomi has launched the 2025 RedmiBook lineup, which includes 14-inch and 16-inch models. Currently available only in China, ...
LaPorte sees Tiger Lake as a big deal to channel partners largely because of the new Intel Iris Xe graphics that brings an unprecedented new level of graphics performance to an integrated chip.
Iris Xe graphics actually make a big difference, especially if you're coming from a PC that's a few years old. It wasn't that long ago that Intel's integrated graphics were laughable. You can ...
ASUS ZenBook Flip S (UX371EA-HL701TS) Windows 10-13.3 inch-16GB RAM-1TB SSD-Intel Core i7-11th gen- Integrated Intel Iris Xe Specifications ...