At a certain point, every spring and autumn, we start wondering when the clocks might change, whether they are due to go forward or back, and if this means we'll lose or gain an extra hour in bed. To ...
Is it only done in the UK? And What on earth does it have to do with Coldplay’s Chris Martin? 1. The clocks going back makes mornings darker - FALSE It actually does the opposite! The days get ...
It’s that time of year again when people across the country look forward to enjoying brighter evenings as the summer months ...
With its iconic piano riff and poetic lyrics, Clocks is a Coldplay masterpiece that showcases their unique style. This Grammy-winning track is an ideal jam for pre-concert vibes. Turn up the ...
The idea really took off when a builder called William Willett (who just so happens to be the great-great-grandfather of Coldplay frontman Chris Martin) campaigned in Britain to change the clocks.