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Provides services in the areas of: Child Protection: - Receives and responds to reports of alleged maltreatment - Strengthens families and ensures safety of children - Licenses family foster homes …
Provides services in the areas of: Child Protection: - Receives and responds to reports of alleged maltreatment - Strengthens families and ensures safety of children - Licenses family foster homes Youth Justice: - Receives referrals from law enforcement and schools - Responds to delinquent behavior through informal disposition and court involvement Children's Long Term Support: - Services for children with disabilities (physical, developmental, mental illness). Economic Support: - Eligibility determination for FoodShare, Medicaid/Badger Care, Caretaker Supplement, Child Care Subsidy Child Support: - Establish paternity and court orders - Locate non-custodial parents for support purposes - Monitors payments and enforces compliance
Services offered
Death Services
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Recreation Services
Frequently asked questions
How and where do I go to research what encumbrances may be levied on the property? I might be interested in the property, but how do I research the financial obligations that go with the property? What about back taxes? What about other defendants listed on the Notice of Foreclosure Sale?
The buyer assumes all liens and legal encumbrances on the property. The Sheriff's Office cannot provide legal advice on how to properly investigate what financial obligations may be outstanding...